Links - Jernbanestrækninger
- Rinbad - newsletter on railway geography and infrastructure in Europe and around the world. HUGE amount of information!
- Baner omkring Aalborg - om jernbanerne i Nordjylland fra Skagen til Hobro og specielt omkring Aalborg - nuværende og forsvundne
- - Thomas D. Rithmesters billeder af danske privat- og statsbanestationer
- Det Fyenske Sidespor | Store som små jernbaneting på Fyn - Jernbanehistorie fra Fyn
- - made by Henning Makholm is an overview map showing all railways in Denmark, a large and impressive collection of track maps, an introduction to Danish signaling and a summary of places to go for railfans.
- Kalle Riis - has some historical information about danish railways as well as a list of DSB rolling stock.
- Martin Jacobsens hjemmeside (om jernbaner) - about railways has some soundfiles as well as other interesting informations. Martin is webmaster of the homepage of DJK as well.
- Mortens Togside - News and photos, primarily from western Jutland
- Peter Engelsted Jonasen - has a page with some pictures from the Danish State Railways celebration of the 150 year of railways in Denmark in 1997 as well as the DMJI - Danish Model Railway Index.
- The Railroads of Bornholm - is a site with historical information about the narrow-gauge railways at danish island Bornholm (closed 1968), as well as a description of a Om-gauge model railway.
- The Rjukanbanen - history and pictures by the Maana forlag, about the industrial railway run by Norsk Hydro until 1991.
- MAPO's Eisenbahnseite - contains a lot of photos, primarily from Swiss narrow gauge railways.
- Rail-Info Schweitz - Narrow Gauge Lexicon Switzerland - news, informations and pictures from many of the Swiss narrow gauge railway lines.
- AKESON Arbeitskreis Eisenbahngeschichte Südostniedersachsen - railway history around Braunschweig
- Bahnen in Wuppertal - industribaner, meterspor, sporvogne og meget andet godt
- Die Internet-Schiene - by Mathias Hiller is covering interesting railways in Berlin.
- Die Kleinbahn - a former magazine, now publishing books on private railways in Germany.
- Die Nordstrecke der Rügenschen Kleinbahnen - Flot designet bliver historien og detaljer om RüKB fortalt.
- Dorfbahnhof - stationsbeskrivelser, også udvalgte danske stationer
- Eisenbahnen in Aachen und der Euregio Maas-Rhein - Railways in and around Aachen, with more information and tips about the railway lines in this area, including Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. A very neat layout too.
- Eisenbahnen in Sachsen - with information on 250 railway lines
- Epoche II - an impressive site about Deutsche Reichsbahn 1919 - 1945 by Thomas Nosske. <br>
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- Homepage des Cargonauten - freight train timetables and more from Germany
- - railways on the islands in the northern part of Germany, by Malte Werning.
- Küstenbahnen - lots of information on railway lines on the islands of Fehmarn and the railway line between Jever und Harle: Stations, depots and so on, worth a look indeed!
- Streckenberichte von Nebenbahnen - German branch line descriptions, by Jan-Martin Hertzsch. Descriptions of many railway lines.
- Trainspotting Jeff - by Thorsten Büker has information about german border stations, including which rolling stock is used. His general page is interesting and amusing too
- Volkis Privatbahnseite - Lots of photos from German private railways